EIT Digital
Skin Care - A smart decision-making tool in dermatology
240 000 EUR
2019 - 2020 (18 months)

EIT Digital
Cyber-physical Systems and Smart Factory Hungarian carrier - EIT Catalyst
300 000 EUR
2014 - 2016 (3 years)

Medical Cyber-Physical Environment. Hungarian carrier - EIT Catalyst
200 000EUR
2013 - 2014 (15 months)

Playful Learning on the Cloud. Hungarian carrier - EIT Catalyst
250 000 EUR
2013 - 2014 (15 months)

European Union 7th Framework (STREP). Grant No.: FP7-288233
European Robotic Surgery
cca. 120 000 EUR
2011 - 2013 (2 years)

Morgan Stanley
ABS Pricing Strategies
cca. 25 000 USD
2011 (1 year)

Cooperative program for the restructuring of the society, Grant No.: TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0003/3.9.
Cooperation with Distributed Intelligent Agents
cca. 250 000 USD
2016 - 2017 (15 months)

Morgan Stanley
Analysis of Financial Time Series
cca. 75 000 USD
2008 - 2009 (1 year)

US Air Force Information Directorate. Grant No.: FA8655-06-1-3077b
Turing Game
25 000 USD
2009 (6 months)

US Air Force Information Directorate. Grant No.: FA8655-06-1-3077
Innovation Engine in BlogSpace
210 000 USD
2007 - 2010 (3 years)

EU 6th Framework Pogramme. Grant No.: FP6-043261
Perceptual Consciousness: Explication and Testing
156 000 EUR
2006 - 2009 (3 years)

Bridging reinforcement learning and language evolution
US Air Force Information Directorate. Grant No.: FA8655-06-1-3064, PI: András Lőrincz
33 000 USD
2006-2007 (6 months)

Social Networks and Complexity -- Workshop
US Naval Research Global Grant N00014-06-1-1053, US Air Force Grant FA8655-06-1-5073, PI: András Lőrincz
10 000 USD
2016 - 2017 (15 months)

Distributed measuring system for alternative communication
Ministry of Economics. Grant No.: KMA0329, PI: András Lőrincz
cca. 110 000 USD
2005 (6 months)

New and Emergent World Models Through Individual, Evolutionary, and Social Learning
EU 6th Framework Pogramme. Grant No.: Specific Targeted Research Project, FP6-502386, PI: András Lőrincz
152 000 EUR
2004 - 2008 (3 years)

Distant training, distant work and communication for the disabled
InfoPark Foundation. PI: András Lőrincz
cca. 18 000 USD
2004 (6 months)

Adaptive associative scale-free maps for fusing human and robotic intelligence
US Air Force Information Directorate. Grant No.: AFRL IRI FA8655-03-1-3036, PI: András Lőrincz
150 000 USD
2003 - 2006 (3 years)

Anonymous and accountable self-organizing cooperation
US National Science Foundation and Hungarian Academy of Sciences PIs: Csilla Farkas (University of South Carolina) and András Lőrincz
cca. 45 000 USD
2003-2007 (3 years)

Personalizable network of courses in self-organizing electronic community
Ministry of Informatics and Communications (IHM). Grant No.: 14631356, PIs: Gábor Ziegler and András Lőrincz
12 000 000 HUF
2003 (10 months)

Interface for Fusing Human and Robotic Intelligence Using Scale-Free Small World Structures
US Air Force Information Directorate. Grant No.: FA86550313084, PI: András Lőrincz
25 000 USD
2002 - 2003 (6 months)

Behavior Characterization of Intelligent Problem Solving for an Agent Hierarchy in a Competitive (Web) Environment
US Air Force Information Directorate. Grant No.: F61775-01-WE023, PI: András Lőrincz
55 000 USD
2001 - 2003 (18 months)

Statistical Methods in Hierarchical Neural Networks for Processing Visual Information
Honda Future Technology Research Laboratory. PI: András Lőrincz
cca. 40 000 USD
2000 - 2001 (1 year)

Structure Based Identification of XML Documents
US Air Force Information Directorate. Grant No.: F61775-00-WE065, PI: András Lőrincz
35 000 USD
2000 - 2001 (1 year)

Adaptive Software-Hardware Cosynthesis and Cooperation
Panasonic. PIs: Péter Arató and András Lőrincz
110 000 USD
2000 (10 months)